
Former McDonald’s Outlot

7251 14 Mile Rd
Sterling Heights, Michigan


Property Type

Vacant Land

Date Available


Sales Price


Property Taxes

$15,710.49 (2017)

Lot Size

2.50 AC



Traffic Count

14 Mile Rd (23,504 CPD)
Van Dyke (40,977 CPD)


This excellent restaurant site benefits from a high volume Walmart Supercenter as well as several traffic generators including Value City, Payless Shoes, GameStop, Joe’s Crab Shack and TGI Friday’s. It will also benefit from the Grace Christian Church (111,000 SF) as well as the BAE Systems which is a 164,000 SF facility that employs 600 engineers, both directly adjacent to the center. Sterling Heights is the second largest suburb in Metro Detroit and the fourth largest city in Michigan. Sterling Heights is located just north of Detroit and is home to more than 3,500 commercial businesses, manufacturing facilities and high-tech firms. Sterling Heights was named as a “top growth city” due to low poverty, steady growth, rising per capita income and job growth led by firms such as Chrysler, Ford Motor, William Beaumont Hospital as well as General Dynamics and the Detroit Newspaper agency. The site is located in one of the highest profile and highest trafficked corridors in the Detroit metropolitan region. Van Dyke Avenue (M-53) is major north/south arterial for the region.

Radius 1 Mile 3 Mile 5 Mile
Population Density 5,762 102,627 290,046
Household Income $68,812 $76,337 $77,231
Daytime Pop 6,510 51,215 169,391


5222 N US-23
Oscoda, Michigan
20160 Mack Ave
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
From 1,250 SF to as large as 11,000 SF
44547 Mound Rd
Sterling Heights, Michigan

$1,499,000.00 | 3,315 SF
5140 Highland Rd
Waterford Township, Michigan
3,455 SF